Thursday, December 14, 2017

Cultural Event II: Art Gallery

I thoroughly enjoyed going to the gallery that displayed other students' works of the human body that they created throughout the semester. I also have never been inside that little white shed before, so it was neat to see the inside and what it is generally used for. Of course the food was a great addition, specifically the combination of cool ranch Doritos and salsa.

I especially admired the project idea that involved taking different aspects of the human body and portraying them through different elements. For instance, body was depicted as a machine, nature, spirit, and physically. Not only was the students' art skills amazing to look at, their ideas of how they illustrated each part was thought-provoking and creative. For one, I especially liked the rib cage in the first picture. I would guess that the artist intended to portray spirit here. The different colors flowing through array of bones create a mystical and deep-rooted feeling. And to the right, the body's right leg stood out to me the most, despite being small in size and arranged behind the artwork of the other leg. The intricacy of the machine and its wires above the knee cap was a good idea, and I like how to artist drew it, allowing the viewer to see into the hallow leg. I also found it interesting how most students chose to explore the machinery of the legs instead of another part of the body. If I did this project, I probably would have done the head/brain as a machine.

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